Webhooks support pushing real-time updates from the server to the client as those updates happen. These are useful whenever you need to know exactly when a specific event happens, allowing you to take action on those events immediately via the API.
Revel supports setting up webhooks whenever any of the following actions occur:
- An order is completed
- A customer record is created
- A customer record is updated
- A rewards card is created
Webhook Setup
Revel can be supplied with URLs that will receive a POST request whenever one of the above actions occurs. The URL must be SSL-secure (https://). For example, the below URLs could be provided to Revel to receive these notifications for each of the above actions:
If using webhooks, you can choose one or more action to send notifications for. You do not have to send notification for every action that Revel supports.
Once submitted, Revel will provide the webhook recipient with a secret key that will be included with each https request in a header named X-Revel-Signature
. This lets the partner verify the validity of each request upon receipt. Also, the Revel instance will be passed in a header named X-Revel-Instance
. For example:
X-Revel-Instance: revelcustomer
Webhook Data
The following json samples show what will be sent via webhooks to their receiving URLs.
Order Completion
Upon completion of an order using a Rewards Card, a representation of the completed order will be sent using Revel's OrderAllInOne
format, which includes information for the Order, Order Items, Payments and Order History. The information about the loyalty transaction can be found under orderInfo.gift_reward_data
, which is a json object sent in string format. The gift_reward_data
values in the following sample contain line breaks for readability's sake.
"orderInfo": {
"gratuity": 0.0,
"web_order": false,
"has_items": true,
"registry_data": null,
"exchange_discount": null,
"gift_reward_data": "{\"id\":15,
"uuid": "c3d0ad74-1737-42c3-a352-4a45449a67af",
"created_by": "/enterprise/User/5/",
"service_fee_untaxed": "0.000000",
"discount_tax_amount_included": null,
"taxable_surcharge": 0.0,
"taxable_surcharge_excluded": 0.0,
"sent": false,
"exchanged": null,
"updated_by": "/enterprise/User/5/",
"delivery_employee": null,
"dining_option": 0,
"delivery_duration": null,
"table_owner": null,
"surcharge_excluded": 0.0,
"discount_amount": null,
"number_of_people": 0,
"notes": "",
"crc": 43010,
"bills": [],
"pos_mode": "Q",
"is_unpaid": false,
"deleted_discounts": "",
"points_added": 0,
"bills_info": "",
"tax_excluded_amount": 0.36,
"auto_grat_pct": 0.0,
"is_discounted": false,
"notification_email_sent": false,
"delivery_distance": null,
"gratuity_type": 0,
"orderhistory": [
"closed": true,
"tax_country": "usa",
"discount_code": "",
"has_delivery_info": false,
"asap": false,
"pickup_time": null,
"reporting_id": null,
"discount_nontaxable_surcharge_included": 0.0,
"discount": null,
"packages": [],
"final_total": 4.86,
"package": [],
"is_invoice": false,
"delivery_clock_in": null,
"bills_type": 0,
"discount_tax_amount": null,
"rounding_delta": 0.0,
"tax_rebate": 0.0,
"table": null,
"discount_reason": "",
"notification_text_sent": false,
"customer_birthdate": null,
"vehicle": null,
"remaining_due": 0.0,
"applied_taxes": [
"name": "JSL City Tax",
"rounding_type": 0,
"uuid": "7c1f2cbe-5376-47d3-b01e-aa86ff2210e3",
"id": 21,
"is_prevailing": true,
"tax_rate": "8.0000",
"tax_table": null,
"local_tax_id": 31,
"order": "/resources/Order/417/",
"dining_options": null,
"resource_uri": "/resources/AppliedTaxOrder/21/"
"prevailing_tax": 8.0,
"delivery_clock_out": null,
"discount_rule_type": null,
"service_charge": 0.0,
"customer": null,
"applied_service_fee": [],
"discount_taxed": null,
"has_history": true,
"tax": 0.36,
"bill_number": 0,
"id": 417,
"surcharge": 0.0,
"points_redeemed": 0,
"call_number": null,
"delivery_estimated_distance": null,
"bill_parent": null,
"establishment": "/enterprise/Establishment/1/",
"updated_date": "2016-04-13T10:29:19",
"prevailing_surcharge": 0.0,
"invoice_date": null,
"crv_value": 0.0,
"created_date": "2016-04-13T10:27:36",
"call_name": "",
"printed": true,
"subtotal": 4.5,
"discounted_by": null,
"discount_rule_amount": null,
"is_readonly": false,
"external_sync": null,
"created_at": "/resources/PosStation/1/",
"service_fee_tax": "0.000000",
"discount_total_amount": "0.000000",
"crv_taxed": false,
"local_id": "417",
"exchanged_by": [],
"service_fee_taxed": "0.000000",
"resource_uri": "/resources/Order/417/"
"items": [
"gift_card_number": "",
"is_cold": false,
"commissions": [],
"price_to_display": "0.000000",
"exchange_discount": null,
"parent_uuid": null,
"uuid": "4c8ddb69-11fa-4a78-ae1d-7cc3f1ecc674",
"created_by": "/enterprise/User/5/",
"service_fee_untaxed": "0.000000",
"pure_sales": 4.5,
"voided_by": null,
"sent": false,
"exchanged": null,
"updated_by": "/enterprise/User/5/",
"start_time": null,
"crv_value": 0.0,
"product_name_override": "Cheese",
"event_date": null,
"discount_amount": null,
"tax_amount": 0.36,
"split_parts": 1.0,
"catering_complete": false,
"sales_tax_exemption_reason": "",
"weight": 0.0,
"sold_by_weight": false,
"taxed_flag": true,
"is_discounted": false,
"course_number": 0,
"shared": 0,
"discount_code": "",
"deleted": false,
"discount": null,
"tax_rate": 8.0,
"seat_number": null,
"package_uuid": null,
"cup_weight": 0.0,
"package": null,
"modifier_cost": "0.0000",
"initial_price": 4.5,
"combo_saving_amount": "0.000000",
"is_layaway": false,
"created_date": "2016-04-13T10:28:57",
"printed": true,
"modifier_amount": 0.0,
"tax_rebate": 0.0,
"special_request": "",
"is_donation": false,
"discount_reason": "",
"temp_sort": 1460568456,
"commission_amount": "0",
"station": "/resources/PosStation/1/",
"serial_number": "",
"catering_delivery_date": null,
"discount_taxed": null,
"applied_taxes": [
"tax_amount": "0.3600",
"name": "JSL City Tax",
"rounding_type": 0,
"uuid": "f76c27a1-c5f4-480f-963e-d0cf8f074534",
"actual_tax_rate": "8.0000",
"tax_rate": "8.0000",
"tax_table": null,
"order_item": "/resources/OrderItem/1630/",
"local_tax_id": 31,
"id": 1629,
"resource_uri": "/resources/AppliedTaxOrderItem/1629/"
"is_gift": false,
"ervc_type": 0,
"discount_rule_type": null,
"cup_qty": 0,
"modifieritems": [],
"split_type": 0,
"applied_service_fee": [],
"kitchen_completed": null,
"date_paid": null,
"cost": "0.0000",
"uom": "",
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"wholesale_saving_amount": "0.000000",
"is_coupon": false,
"voided_date": null,
"expedited": null,
"id": 1630,
"on_hold": false,
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"bill_parent": null,
"service_provider": null,
"split_with_seat": 0,
"updated_date": "2016-04-13T10:29:16",
"product": "/resources/Product/5/",
"void_ref_uuid": null,
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"dining_option": 0,
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"voided_reason": "",
"combo_uuid": null,
"order_local_id": "417",
"discounted_by": null,
"discount_rule_amount": null,
"service_fee_tax": "0.000000",
"quantity": 1,
"service_fee_taxed": "0.000000",
"order": "/resources/Order/417/",
"resource_uri": "/resources/OrderItem/1630/"
"shell_combo_items": [],
"payments": [
"updated_date": "2016-04-13T10:28:59",
"executed": false,
"last_4_cc_digits": "",
"processor_accepted": false,
"till_owner": null,
"id": 355,
"payment_date": "2016-04-13T10:28:59",
"uuid": "00f1a58f-065c-434f-a551-735acbc0ccee",
"gratuity": 0.0,
"tip": "0.000000",
"created_by": "/enterprise/User/5/",
"refund_transaction_id": null,
"station": "/resources/PosStation/1/",
"cc_first_name": null,
"online": false,
"establishment": "/enterprise/Establishment/1/",
"transaction_id": "",
"exchanged": null,
"updated_by": "/enterprise/User/5/",
"transaction_captured": false,
"deleted": null,
"refunded": false,
"transaction_data": "",
"payer_id": null,
"processor_response": null,
"first_4_cc_digits": null,
"amount_authorized": "0.000000",
"signature_img_url": null,
"change": "0.000000",
"invoice_transition_date": null,
"other_payment_type": null,
"receipt_email": null,
"bill": 0,
"rounding_delta": 0.0,
"card_type": null,
"amount": "4.860000",
"payment_type": 1,
"created_date": "2016-04-13T10:28:59",
"cc_last_name": null,
"transaction_status": null,
"order": "/resources/Order/417/",
"resource_uri": "/resources/Payment/355/"
"order_exchange": null,
"history": [
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"opened": "2016-04-13T10:27:36",
"order_closed_at": "/resources/PosStation/1/",
"order_opened_by": "/enterprise/User/5/",
"uuid": "99da53ed-638f-4e6a-bdbf-b82ab4b6a209",
"id": 399,
"closed": "2016-04-13T10:29:19",
"order_opened_at": "/resources/PosStation/1/",
"order": "/resources/Order/417/",
"resource_uri": "/resources/OrderHistory/399/"
"orderInfo": {
"gratuity": 0.0,
"web_order": false,
"has_items": true,
"registry_data": null,
"exchange_discount": null,
"gift_reward_data": "{\"id\":15,
"uuid": "c3d0ad74-1737-42c3-a352-4a45449a67af",
"created_by": "/enterprise/User/5/",
"service_fee_untaxed": "0.000000",
"discount_tax_amount_included": null,
"taxable_surcharge": 0.0,
"taxable_surcharge_excluded": 0.0,
"sent": false,
"exchanged": null,
"updated_by": "/enterprise/User/5/",
"delivery_employee": null,
"dining_option": 0,
"delivery_duration": null,
"table_owner": null,
"surcharge_excluded": 0.0,
"discount_amount": null,
"number_of_people": 0,
"notes": "",
"crc": 43010,
"bills": [],
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"is_unpaid": false,
"deleted_discounts": "",
"points_added": 0,
"bills_info": "",
"tax_excluded_amount": 0.36,
"auto_grat_pct": 0.0,
"is_discounted": false,
"notification_email_sent": false,
"delivery_distance": null,
"gratuity_type": 0,
"orderhistory": [
"closed": true,
"tax_country": "usa",
"discount_code": "",
"has_delivery_info": false,
"asap": false,
"pickup_time": null,
"reporting_id": null,
"discount_nontaxable_surcharge_included": 0.0,
"discount": null,
"packages": [],
"final_total": 4.86,
"package": [],
"is_invoice": false,
"delivery_clock_in": null,
"bills_type": 0,
"discount_tax_amount": null,
"rounding_delta": 0.0,
"tax_rebate": 0.0,
"table": null,
"discount_reason": "",
"notification_text_sent": false,
"customer_birthdate": null,
"vehicle": null,
"remaining_due": 0.0,
"applied_taxes": [
"name": "JSL City Tax",
"rounding_type": 0,
"uuid": "7c1f2cbe-5376-47d3-b01e-aa86ff2210e3",
"id": 21,
"is_prevailing": true,
"tax_rate": "8.0000",
"tax_table": null,
"local_tax_id": 31,
"order": "/resources/Order/417/",
"dining_options": null,
"resource_uri": "/resources/AppliedTaxOrder/21/"
"prevailing_tax": 8.0,
"delivery_clock_out": null,
"discount_rule_type": null,
"service_charge": 0.0,
"customer": null,
"applied_service_fee": [],
"discount_taxed": null,
"has_history": true,
"tax": 0.36,
"bill_number": 0,
"id": 417,
"surcharge": 0.0,
"points_redeemed": 0,
"call_number": null,
"delivery_estimated_distance": null,
"bill_parent": null,
"establishment": "/enterprise/Establishment/1/",
"updated_date": "2016-04-13T10:29:19",
"prevailing_surcharge": 0.0,
"invoice_date": null,
"crv_value": 0.0,
"created_date": "2016-04-13T10:27:36",
"call_name": "",
"printed": true,
"subtotal": 4.5,
"discounted_by": null,
"discount_rule_amount": null,
"is_readonly": false,
"external_sync": null,
"created_at": "/resources/PosStation/1/",
"service_fee_tax": "0.000000",
"discount_total_amount": "0.000000",
"crv_taxed": false,
"local_id": "417",
"exchanged_by": [],
"service_fee_taxed": "0.000000",
"resource_uri": "/resources/Order/417/"
"items": [
"gift_card_number": "",
"is_cold": false,
"commissions": [],
"price_to_display": "0.000000",
"exchange_discount": null,
"parent_uuid": null,
"uuid": "4c8ddb69-11fa-4a78-ae1d-7cc3f1ecc674",
"created_by": "/enterprise/User/5/",
"service_fee_untaxed": "0.000000",
"pure_sales": 4.5,
"voided_by": null,
"sent": false,
"exchanged": null,
"updated_by": "/enterprise/User/5/",
"start_time": null,
"crv_value": 0.0,
"product_name_override": "Cheese",
"event_date": null,
"discount_amount": null,
"tax_amount": 0.36,
"split_parts": 1.0,
"catering_complete": false,
"sales_tax_exemption_reason": "",
"weight": 0.0,
"sold_by_weight": false,
"taxed_flag": true,
"is_discounted": false,
"course_number": 0,
"shared": 0,
"discount_code": "",
"deleted": false,
"discount": null,
"tax_rate": 8.0,
"seat_number": null,
"package_uuid": null,
"cup_weight": 0.0,
"package": null,
"modifier_cost": "0.0000",
"initial_price": 4.5,
"combo_saving_amount": "0.000000",
"is_layaway": false,
"created_date": "2016-04-13T10:28:57",
"printed": true,
"modifier_amount": 0.0,
"tax_rebate": 0.0,
"special_request": "",
"is_donation": false,
"discount_reason": "",
"temp_sort": 1460568456,
"commission_amount": "0",
"station": "/resources/PosStation/1/",
"serial_number": "",
"catering_delivery_date": null,
"discount_taxed": null,
"applied_taxes": [
"tax_amount": "0.3600",
"name": "JSL City Tax",
"rounding_type": 0,
"uuid": "f76c27a1-c5f4-480f-963e-d0cf8f074534",
"actual_tax_rate": "8.0000",
"tax_rate": "8.0000",
"tax_table": null,
"order_item": "/resources/OrderItem/1630/",
"local_tax_id": 31,
"id": 1629,
"resource_uri": "/resources/AppliedTaxOrderItem/1629/"
"is_gift": false,
"ervc_type": 0,
"discount_rule_type": null,
"cup_qty": 0,
"modifieritems": [],
"split_type": 0,
"applied_service_fee": [],
"kitchen_completed": null,
"date_paid": null,
"cost": "0.0000",
"uom": "",
"tax_included": false,
"wholesale_saving_amount": "0.000000",
"is_coupon": false,
"voided_date": null,
"expedited": null,
"id": 1630,
"on_hold": false,
"ingredientitems": [],
"bill_parent": null,
"service_provider": null,
"split_with_seat": 0,
"updated_date": "2016-04-13T10:29:16",
"product": "/resources/Product/5/",
"void_ref_uuid": null,
"combo_used": null,
"dining_option": 0,
"price": 4.5,
"voided_reason": "",
"combo_uuid": null,
"order_local_id": "417",
"discounted_by": null,
"discount_rule_amount": null,
"service_fee_tax": "0.000000",
"quantity": 1,
"service_fee_taxed": "0.000000",
"order": "/resources/Order/417/",
"resource_uri": "/resources/OrderItem/1630/"
"shell_combo_items": [],
"payments": [
"updated_date": "2016-04-13T10:28:59",
"executed": false,
"last_4_cc_digits": "",
"processor_accepted": false,
"till_owner": null,
"id": 355,
"payment_date": "2016-04-13T10:28:59",
"uuid": "00f1a58f-065c-434f-a551-735acbc0ccee",
"gratuity": 0.0,
"tip": "0.000000",
"created_by": "/enterprise/User/5/",
"refund_transaction_id": null,
"station": "/resources/PosStation/1/",
"cc_first_name": null,
"online": false,
"establishment": "/enterprise/Establishment/1/",
"transaction_id": "",
"exchanged": null,
"updated_by": "/enterprise/User/5/",
"transaction_captured": false,
"deleted": null,
"refunded": false,
"transaction_data": "",
"payer_id": null,
"processor_response": null,
"first_4_cc_digits": null,
"amount_authorized": "0.000000",
"signature_img_url": null,
"change": "0.000000",
"invoice_transition_date": null,
"other_payment_type": null,
"receipt_email": null,
"bill": 0,
"rounding_delta": 0.0,
"card_type": null,
"amount": "4.860000",
"payment_type": 1,
"created_date": "2016-04-13T10:28:59",
"cc_last_name": null,
"transaction_status": null,
"order": "/resources/Order/417/",
"resource_uri": "/resources/Payment/355/"
"order_exchange": null,
"history": [
"order_closed_by": "/enterprise/User/5/",
"opened": "2016-04-13T10:27:36",
"order_closed_at": "/resources/PosStation/1/",
"order_opened_by": "/enterprise/User/5/",
"uuid": "99da53ed-638f-4e6a-bdbf-b82ab4b6a209",
"id": 399,
"closed": "2016-04-13T10:29:19",
"order_opened_at": "/resources/PosStation/1/",
"order": "/resources/Order/417/",
"resource_uri": "/resources/OrderHistory/399/"
Customer Creation or Updates
Upon completion of a customer entry being created or a customer's data being updated, the following sample is a json representation of the Customer record that will be sent via webhook.
Rewards Card Creation
Upon creation of a Rewards Card, the following is a sample json body representation will be sent to the webhook URL configured to receive Rewards Card creations.
Updated about 5 years ago