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API Reference


This very flexible and comprehensive API covers a lot of tasks. In the management console, products are organized by category and subcategory, both of which you can access through the API. You can use the API to add, remove, or edit products, modifiers, and combos. Custom menus, recipes, and ingredients can be handled through the Products suite, as can surcharges and service fees.



The Attribute resource holds information about a product's particular attributes, including the product's name, unique ID, creation date, and active or inactive status. Use this resource to return or set product attributes.


The AttributeValue resource lets you access and manage data about the values of product attributes. This includes Boolean values like active/inactive as well as date and string data. Use this resource to manage products by the value of an attribute. AttributeValue also lets you set attribute values for syncing to the management console.


A combo, in the management console, consists of a set of products that are sold together at a special price. There are three types of combo (upsell, group, and split) and the ComboProductSet resource lets you filter by combo type. You can also pull lists of existing combos and their included products and adjust their product lists and pricing through the API.


This resource allows you to review and edit your custom menus through an API. It collects data on custom menus by time slot, station, and mode (online, kiosk, table, etc.).


We advise against using this resource, which is being deprecated. Check the changelog for more information.


As with DynamicCombos, we advise against using this resource, which is being deprecated. Check the changelog for more information.


The management console lets you monitor your inventory down to the ingredient level. This resource collects inventory data and lets you add, edit, or remove ingredients. You can manage your wholesale orders through the API and access details like prep time and shelf life to help keep your kitchen organized and help prep work flow smoothly.


A recipe in the management console may include several ingredients. This resource collects information on the connections between ingredients and recipes.


Modifiers are variations that can be added to products so that you don't need to create a new product for each size, color, or topping. This resource allows you to manage these enormously flexible tools by providing access to data such as a modifier's cost or recipe, how a modifier appears on a kitchen or kiosk display, available substitutions for a modifier, and which modifier is associated with which products.


Modifiers are organized into classes. A modifier is the actual variation applied to a product. Small, Medium, and Large are modifiers. Size is a modifier class that includes the modifiers Small, Medium, and Large. This resource holds information on modifier classes, such as which modifiers are included, when the class was created, and which establishments use a particular modifier class.


Some establishments use modifiers to apply discounts. ModifierDiscount holds data on the amounts, dates, and creation of discount modifiers and which establishments use which discounts.


Like products, modifiers can be linked to recipes. This resource holds information about the relations between modifiers and recipes.


Some products use price tiers to apply discounts. This resource gives you access to data on price tiers and their ingredients, modifiers, and related products.


A product is a sellable item. This is your primary resource for working with individual products. It returns a list of product objects and collects data about a product's price, attributes, and category. You can use it to review your product list, compare prices, add a product, or reorganize your products; in fact, you can use this API to do almost anything you can do with products in the management console. In the API reference below you'll find many parameters that work with this resource.


All products are organized into categories and subcategories in the management console. This resource represents the relationship between a product and a category so that you can manage your categories and subcategories directly through the API.


Products can be organized into classes. A class is usually composed of products of a particular type, like a menu section or store department--Beverages, Food Items, Accessories, etc.. Classes are useful in reporting and inventory. They allow you to perform some tasks by class instead of individual product. ProductClass allows you to manage classes and their association with products through the API.


Products can also be organized into groups. You can put anything you like into a product group. Groups are especially useful for applying discounts or creating combos. You can, for instance, put all of the items available as one part of a combo into a group and simply assign that group to the combo instead of going product-by-product. You can put products into a group and discount the group. All of these things can also be done with a product class, but a class represents a type of product while a group represents whatever you need.


A product is a sellable item and a modifier is a variation that can be applied to a product. Pizza is a product, and modifiers might include size, toppings, or crust style. Modifiers are associated with specific products (extra cheese might be associated with pizzas but not sodas) and this resource represents that relationship.


Modifiers are organized into classes (see ModifierClass above). Not every product will be associated with a particular modifier class. A product may or may not have active modifiers in a particular class. If your product is Pizza, it will probably have modifiers in the class Pizza Toppings, but it probably won't have modifiers in the class Salad Dressing. ProductModifierClass represents the relationship between a product and a modifier class.


Management resource with helps us to change auto actions (change price, max/min price) for the product.


Some products use price tiers to apply discounts. This resource represents the relationship between a product and a price tier. The relationship can't be edited through this resource.


Products can be attached to their recipes in the management console. ProductRecipe represents the relationship between products and recipes.


The system can be set to support serial numbers on the Settings tab in the management console. This resource collects data on the status of products (in stock, sold, returned to vendor) by their serial numbers so you can manage your inventory through an API.


Some products, especially those sold in different quantities, use variable pricing. It's an easy way to manage bulk discounts without creating a new product item for each weight or quantity. Variable pricing can be managed through an API with this resource.


Service fees allow you to add a flat fee or percentage charge to an order. They can be automatically applied or added manually to an order. Service fees can be used for things like delivery charges and fees for small credit card transactions. Keep in mind that a service fee is not a gratuity. If you want to automatically add a tip, use the auto gratuity feature instead. The ServiceFee resource lets you add, edit, and remove service fees through an API.


A surcharge is a percentage fee added to every order. You can create and edit surcharges through the API using this resource.


Products can be managed and ordered in stock units that may not correspond to the units in which they are sold. Ingredients can be ordered and added to recipes in various units of weight, mass, and volume. Stock and ordering units are created and managed by the user. UnitType returns a list of unit types in the system.