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Revel API Updates Release 2.55 Version 1.1


Welcome to the Revel 2.55 API Change Document!

Please use this document to reference the changes that have been made to our API resources, including removed resources and resource changes.

In Version 2.55, we’ve introduced API endpoints related to our new Stocktake functionality API. Please note these endpoints are currently in a Beta phase.

Also, there have been important updates related to the OrderItem, Product and Modifier resources (for use with combo sets), as well as changes in ProductModifier resources.

Lastly, we will be deprecating the Brand, Device, KitchenView, CustomerHistory, RewardsCardV3, InventoryStockAmount resources in our next release (tentatively scheduled for 2.59 in Q1 2020). At that point, these resources will no longer be available for use by third party developers.

Changes from Release 2.55 document version 1.1

This section contains the changes from the document Release 2.55 version 1.1

Planned Resource Deprecation

In future release i.e. Release 2.59, Revel will deprecate the below mentioned API Endpoints for public access in addition to Brand, Device, KitchenView, CustomerHistory.
a. RewardsCardV3
b. InventoryStockAmount

Additional Changes or Bug fixes

Online Ordering API -

  • a. For creating WebOrder POST resources in the “/specialresources/cart/” includes “call_number”. “call_number” value must be an integer. “call_number” attribute is optional.

Example -

"call_number": "8",
"customer": {"phone":"5555555555",
"email":"[email protected]",

Added Resources


  • /resources/Stocktake/
NameTypeDefaultNullRead OnlyUniqueBlankHelp Text
statusinteger0FalseFalseFalseFalseInteger data. Ex: 2673
updated_datedatetimeTrueFalseFalseFalseTrueA date & time as a string. Ex: "2010-11-10T03:07:43"
namestringNo default providedTrueFalseFalseFalseUnicode string data. Ex: "Hello World"
establishmentEstablishment(FK)No default providedFalseFalseFalseFalse
resource_uristringNo default providedFalseTrueFalseFalse