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Revel 2.59 API Updates

Welcome to the 2.59 Revel API changelog!

In Revel 2.59 we've made important updates to products, orders, establishments, and combos. We've also added support for pass through service fees, pre-discount service fees, and KDS redirects.

Please review these updates and update your applications accordingly.

You can learn more about the general 2.59 release here.

Modified Resources

  • We've added apply_to, pass_through_fee_type, and include_employee_pass_through_fee_in fields in the AppliedServiceFee resource to support pass through service fees. The post_tax field no longer has a default value.
  • The ComboProductSet now includes an is_upsell field, which supports boolean values. The surcharge field is now read-only and may be blank.
  • We've removed the master_discount_id field from the Discount resource.
  • The Establishment resource now includes a RUID field.
  • We've added version, customer_address_distance, and virtual_data fields to the Order and OrderAllInOne resources to support adding an address's distance and internal reporting.
  • The combo_type field in the OrderType resource is now nullable.
  • We've added a kds_redirect field to the PosStation resource to support redirecting to a new KDS. This field accepts boolean values.
  • We've removed the rrp and is_local fields from the Product, ProductPurchase, and ViewPurchaseOrderProduct resources. Also, we've added the product_price_in_combo and surcharge fields.
  • We've removed the rrp field from the ProductPriceLifeCycleAction resource.
  • We've added a product_modifier_class field to the ProductModifier resource. You can also filter by product_modifier_class.
  • The ServiceFee resource now includes apply_to, pass_through_fee_type, include_employee_pass_through_fee_in, use_distance, max_distance, and min_distance fields to support pass through service fees and service fees by distance. Also, the apply_post_tax field no longer includes a default value.
  • In the User resource, we've added fields for RUID, is_reseller, auth0_id, is_bill_to, and is_sold_to Also, the has_enterprise_access field is no longer available.

Changes and Bug Fixes

  • We've added a tip_shares field to the Sales Summary JSON report.
  • In the Online Ordering suite, the barcode is now an accepted value for modifieritems, along with modifier_id.
"modifieritems": [
        "modifier": "2129714",
        "modifier_cost": 0,
        "modifier_price": 1,
        "qty": 1,
        "qty_type": 0,
        "admin_mod_key": ""
  • When using a custom transaction ID on the POS for receiptless returns, the custom transaction ID is captured as the transaction_id in the Payment resource.
  • The active field in the VendorEstablishment field is now set to True by default in POST requests.
  • Duplicate barcode values are no longer allowed for InventoryUnit POST or PATCH requests.
  • The roles field is only available as a filter for Employee GET requests.

Planned Deprecation

We have begun deprecating the Brand, Device, KitchenView, CustomerHistory, RewardsCardv3, and InventoryStockAmount resources. These resources will not be available for third-party developers after our upcoming 2.62 release (tentatively Q2 2020). We discourage you from using these resources. If you are still using them, please reach out to [email protected].